He Man Men and Cat


He Man Men and Cat


Ballpoint pen drawing on A4 cartridge paper. Studies for He Man, sketches of Dolph Lundgren and John Cena, and a cat. Dating from 2007.

I’m still quite taken with these sorts of things. The bad drawings I screencapped from the series I used as starting points for my own exploratory weirdness.

‘hey He-Man
can i join your clan, 
lets fight the baddies together, 
i will stay by your side forever
and ever, 
in my little blue bedroom, 
we shall fight off dinosoars 
and mutant worms, 
and Angent X and his killer germs.
you can drive the red shiny car, 
i will push you really far, 
you can have the big silver sword, 
me and you will never get bored, 
i will never leave you, 
my brave best friend, 
even if my big brother, 
says its just play and pretend.
he doesnt understand, 
he just watches you on T.V, 
but i think that just silly, 
for we can climb up mountains, 
and we can brake and bend, 
he will never have such a special
brave friend. ‘ A poem by a writer with the handle ‘Not Long Left’ on Poemhunter.com

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